When you hear the word "root," you might envision a tree with a strong stem that binds it to the earth below. The lengthy, deep roots of a tree act as an anchor and are a life-giving source for the tree. Similarly, mankind, like trees, has a grounding element called the root chakra, also known as the muladhara chakra in Sanskrit, "the genesis of all things." It is the first chakra in the human body and is personified by a red lotus with four petals.
The epicenter of our stability, it is the first step on the ladder to fully manifesting your power. Its wheel-like energy point in the human body serves as the basis for the entire chakra system, a hub of intrinsic awareness. When in balance, one feels secure and rooted, but when out of balance, one can experience anxiety, nightmares, terror, and feelings of detachment or loneliness. Also, who can dwell on their spiritual awakening if they don't feel at ease in their body and space? Healing and clearing your root chakra should be part of your regular wellness routine.