Sacral chakra is the second chakra, also known as the svadhistana chakra, situated in the inner pelvis and lower abdomen and is associated with the colour orange. The word "svadhisthana" means one's own dwelling. The Sacral chakra's emblem is an orange flower with six petals around the centre. The rings that are attached to the petals of the lotus flower stand for the cycles of rebirth, death, and reincarnation. Tangential circles also form a crescent moon shape, reminding us of the relationship between creativity and the moon's phases.
Sacral chakra’s main purpose is to make life enjoyable and to provide gratification. When this chakra is balanced and operating as intended, your relationship with yourself and the world will seem harmonious, enjoyable, and nourishing.The element of water is connected with the Sacral chakra. In terms of emotions and sensuality, the water element is all about fluidity, flexibility, and freedom of expression. When this energy point is balanced, just like water it provides direct access to fluidity, mobility, and joy.
Indications of imbalance: When your sacral chakra is closed, you'll probably feel unsure of yourself, insecure, and unable to adapt to changes in your life. Your body and mind may suffer as a result. Although there may be difficulties in your relationships, sexual life, and creative expression, it's important to keep in mind that there are always resources available to assist. When the sacral chakra is obstructed, crystals are a useful tool. Crystals can offer you the comfort, serenity, and assurance you need during this unsteady time. Furthermore, they can jump-start creative projects that have been put on the back burner.